free as a weird

terça-feira, abril 16, 2002

Rá! Temporada de Testes, parte IV:

Que blog famoso você é?

Esse é aquele estupido? Nunca fizx questão nem de ir lá. ehehehehe

Which 10 Things I Hate About You Character Are You?

Resultado óbvio :c)

Who's Your Movie Sidekick? Find out @ She's Crafty

Eu queria ver esse, mas nunca vi... Mas lobisomeamente falando (?), o primeiro da lista é Full Moon High.

Which Buffy Guy Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Gostei em parte, mas nem tanto...

Which Hacker's Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Completamente surpreeendente...

If I were a sappy movie ballad, I would be
Who Ya Gonna Call from Ghostbusters

sappy movie ballad
are you?

Rules heheheeh

  I'm Hurricane.
     Hurricane is a story song about Reuben Carter, aka "The Hurricane", a black middleweight boxer who was framed for a triple murder in a Paterson, New Jersey. It was a highly controversial case, and a movie was released recently called The Hurricane about it. The original Dylan version was released on the album Desire in January of 1976.

take the "which bob dylan song are you?" quiz at ecd 3:43


Which annoying B-list celebrity are you?

Ridiculamente, ridiculo (tá, era ate´enrgaçado :cP)

Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.

Meioq ue surpreendeu, mas rules

Qual prostituta cinematográfica você é?

Teste feito pela Uma; mais um dos casos das minahs curisoidades morbidas, estiloque Winona sou eu (é..) - até que não fui mal.

RULES!! McGregor rules, Iggy Pop rules, Lou Reed rules....

Obs.: A Carol voltou :c))))))))))))))))))))))